Class Result<T, E>

Result allows you to show to a consumer that a function might throw and force them to handle it.

T Value type

E Error type

function functionThatMightFail(): Result<T, E>;
const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Ok("Hello, World!");

const result = functionThatMightFail();

console.log(result.unwrap()); // "Hello, World!"

Type Parameters

  • T
  • E



  • Tries to return value if value is Err throws custom error message.


    • message: string

      Message to show when value is Err

    Returns T

    result.expect("Custom message");
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Ok("Hello!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    console.log(result.expect("I failed!")); // "Hello!"
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Err("oops!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    result.expect("I failed!"); // Error: I failed!
  • Tries to return error value if value is Ok throws custom error message


    • message: string

    Returns E

    result.expectErr("Custom message");
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Ok("Hello!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    console.log(result.expectErr("I failed!")); // Error: I failed!
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Err("oops!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    console.log(result.expectErr("I failed!")); // "oops!"
  • Returns true if result is Err

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if result is Ok

    Returns boolean

  • Maps Result<T, E> to Result<A, E> using the passed mapping function

    Type Parameters

    • A


    • fn: (val: T) => A

      Mapping function

    Returns Result<A, E> => val.length);
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Ok("Hello, World!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    const hello = => val.slice(0, 5));

    console.log(hello.unwrap()); // "Hello"
  • Maps Result<T, E> to Result<T, A> using the passed mapping function

    Type Parameters

    • A


    • fn: (err: E) => A

      Mapping function

    Returns Result<T, A>

    result.mapErr((err) => getCodeMsg(err));
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Err(10);

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    const message = result.mapErr(() => "Error");

    console.log(message); // "Error"
  • In the Err case returns the mapped value using the function else returns defaultVal

    Type Parameters

    • A


    • defaultVal: A

      Value to be returned when Ok

    • fn: (err: E) => A

      Mapping function to map in case of Err

    Returns A

    result.mapErrOr("Should've been error", (err) => getCodeMsg(err));
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Ok("foo");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    const message = result.mapErrOr("Should've been error", () => "Error");

    console.log(message); // "Should've been error"
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Err(10);

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    const message = result.mapErrOr("Should've been error", () => "Error");

    console.log(message); // "Error"
  • In the Err case returns the mapped value using the function else returns value of def

    Type Parameters

    • A


    • def: (val: T) => A

      Mapping function called when Ok

    • fn: (err: E) => A

      Mapping function called when Err

    Returns A

    result.mapErrOrElse(() => "Value", (_) => "Error!");
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Ok("foo");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    const length = result.mapErrOrElse(() => 1, (val) => val.length);

    console.log(length); // 1
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Err("oops!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    const length = result.mapOr(() => 1, (val) => val.length);

    console.log(length); // 4
  • In the Ok case returns the mapped value using the function else returns defaultVal

    Type Parameters

    • A


    • defaultVal: A

      Value to be returned when Err

    • fn: (val: T) => A

      Mapping function to map in case of Ok

    Returns A

    result.mapOr(1, (val) => val.length);
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Ok("foo");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    const length = result.mapOr(1, (val) => val.length);

    console.log(length); // 3
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Err("oops!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    const length = result.mapOr(1, (val) => val.length);

    console.log(length); // 1
  • In the Ok case returns the mapped value using fn else returns value of def

    Type Parameters

    • A


    • def: (err: E) => A

      Mapping function called when Err

    • fn: (val: T) => A

      Mapping function called when Ok

    Returns A

    result.mapOrElse(() => 1, (val) => val.length);
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Ok("foo");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    const length = result.mapOrElse(() => 1, (val) => val.length);

    console.log(length); // 3
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Err("oops!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    const length = result.mapOr(() => 1, (val) => val.length);

    console.log(length); // 1
  • Allows you to run callbacks based on the result.

    Type Parameters

    • A
    • B = A


    • success: (val: T) => A

      callback to be run when result is success

    • failure: (err: E) => B

      callback to be run when result is failure

    Returns A | B

    (val) => val,
    () => {
    throw new Error('oops!')
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Ok("Hello, World!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    const val = result.match(
    (val) => val,
    () => {
    throw new Error('oops!')

    console.log(val); // "Hello, World!"
  • Tries to return value if value is Err throws generic error message.

    Returns T

    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Ok("Hello!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    console.log(result.unwrap()); // "Hello!"
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Err("oops!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    result.unwrap(); // Error: Attempted to call `.unwrap()` on a non `Ok` value.
  • Tries to return err if value is Ok throws generic error message.

    Returns E

    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Ok("Hello!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    result.unwrapErr(); // Error: Attempted to call `.unwrapErr()` on a non `Err` value.
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Err("oops!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    console.log(result.unwrapErr()); // "oops!"
  • Tries to unwrap the error if vale is Ok returns defaultVal


    • defaultVal: E

    Returns E

    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Ok("Hello!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    console.log(result.unwrapErrOr("Yellow!")); // "Yellow!"
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Err("oops!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    console.log(result.unwrapErrOr("Yellow!")); // "oops!"
  • Tries to return the error if value is Ok calls fn


    • fn: (val: T) => E

      Function called if Ok

      result.unwrapErrOrElse(() => "Error!");
      const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Ok("Hello!");

      const result = functionThatMightFail();

      console.log(result.unwrapErrOrElse(() => "oops!")); // "oops!"
      const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Err("oops!");

      const result = functionThatMightFail();

      console.log(result.unwrapErrOrElse(() => "Hello!")); // "oops!"

    Returns E

  • Tries to unwrap the value if value is Err returns defaultVal


    • defaultVal: T

      Value to be returned if Err

    Returns T

    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Ok("Hello!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    console.log(result.unwrapOr("Yellow!")); // "Hello!"
    const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Err("oops!");

    const result = functionThatMightFail();

    console.log(result.unwrapOr("Yellow!")); // "Yellow!"
  • Tries to return the value if value is Err calls fn


    • fn: (err: E) => T

      Function called if Err

      result.unwrapOrElse(() => "Hello!");
      const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Ok("Hello!");

      const result = functionThatMightFail();

      console.log(result.unwrapOrElse(() => "oops!")); // "Hello!"
      const functionThatMightFail = (): Result<string, string> => Err("oops!");

      const result = functionThatMightFail();

      console.log(result.unwrapOrElse(() => "Hello!")); // "Hello!"

    Returns T